2024 - 200 HR Teacher Training Program

FREE Info meeting August 25th 12:00pm


TOTAL Cost: $2800**

  • $500 deposit due by 8/25 to hold your spot, balance due 9/21 at first weekend session.

  • PAYMENT PLAN option: $500 deposit due 8/25 remaining pay as you go for 8 months $300/mo. Due Saturday of each session weekend listed below. This payment plan equals a total of $2900.

  • **Pay in full by September 15, $2700, Pay in full in cash by 9/15 $2600.

All deposits and payments are nonrefundable. Credit can be applied to any future 200hr TTP or class pack purchase.


Our 2024 program starts in September and we have an AMAZING opportunity!!

This will be Simply Yoga’s, 16th 200 Hour Teacher training program and to date we have certified over 80 instructors, many of whom have come on board to teach at Simply Yoga! Our program is co-led by Susan Bowen-Cressman and Sam Wascher (who graduated from one of our first TTP programs at Simply Yoga). With almost 20 years experience between them and an unparalleled energy and zest for yoga training, you don’t want to miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something special at an amazing price (most programs cost MUCH more – up to $3500!) To register for our FREE info meeting 8/25 at 12:00pm, click HERE.

This comprehensive program gives you the knowledge you need to accelerate your personal development and prepare you to positively impact the lives of others. Training is accomplished through lectures, readings, critiques, discussion, and hands on assistance – and special events! 

Whether or not you ever intend to teach yoga, we know this program will teach YOU things about yourself you never knew! A great part of your on going self discovery, making new friends, being part of a community ….and know what is even more fun? Sign up with a friend and discover together!

Topics include:

Techniques, Training and Practice; Teaching and Methodology; Anatomy and Physiology; Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics

Final certification requirements include:

  • Program paid in full

  • Attend weekend trainings and complete and submit required independent study items

  • Final practicum including teaching a 60 minute Vinyasa flow class, attending at least 2 classes at another studio (price not included in tuition), and providing a review
    of the classes attended

  • Attend at least 2 classes a week at Simply Yoga during the training months (training participants are entitled to FREE unlimited yoga at Simply Yoga during training months)

2024 Training Session Schedule

DATES - 8 weekends in total once a month:

September 21-22, October 19-20, November 16-17, December 14-15, January 25-26, February 22-23, March 22-23, April 4/12-13, (Potential make up weekend due to any schedule changes/conflicts May 3-4)

Saturdays 11:00am – 6:00pm*
Sundays 10:00am – 5:00pm*

*Times and dates may change with notice.

Disclaimer:  Completion of this program does not guarantee employment with Simply Yoga, LLC, Lemont, IL.